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Technomoral Conversations: AI & Creative Labour
This Technomoral Conversation will look at issues ranging from the AI industry’s copyright violations, to the responses from creatives in the UK and elsewhere, to the wider ethical and political questions about the role of AI in creative practice and culture.

Technomoral Conversations: What the Majority World Can Teach Us about AI
In this Technomoral Conversations panel, we will hear from leading voices from the Majority World on what they have learned from and about AI, and the issues and visions they would like to see taken up.

Value Capture and Algorithmic Policies: Outsourcing our Values to Technology
The values that govern our lives are increasingly explicit: defined by algorithms and institutions to be as clear, precise and quantifiable as possible. In this talk, Professor Nguyen explores two dangers of adopting these values as our own: value capture and value collapse.

The Walls Have Eyes: Surviving Migration in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
Hear Petra Molnar (Harvard University) discuss her new book, which lays out a global story of the sharpening of borders through technological experiments and introduces strategies of togetherness across physical and ideological borders.

POSTPONED - Petra Molnar: AI Ethnography Masterclass
This event has been postponed. Our apologies for any inconvenience.

Technomoral Conversations: Who is Responsible for Responsible AI?
Join us for a ‘fireside chat’ where we bring together experts in AI to address questions surrounding the framing of responsibility for AI & autonomous systems.

Governing the AI Business Model: Flagship Lecture with Dr Michael Veale
Join us for our Flagship Lecture, where you'll hear from Dr Michael Veale on how to understand and address challenges of power and justice that stem from digital technologies.

Technomoral Conversations: The Geopolitics of AI
As AI's influence grows, navigating its geopolitics becomes increasingly crucial for shaping the future of nations and their global relationships.

Technomoral Conversations: Technologically Mediated Intimacy
This conversation will explore how we can navigate the complexities of technologies that are entangled with our relationships and our emotions.

Pegasus: A Spy in Your Pocket - Event Cancelled
Event Cancelled Join us for a conversation with the authors of Pegasus: How a Spy in Our Pocket Threatens the End of Privacy, Dignity, and Democracy.

ChatGPT: 'Next Big Thing' or passing trend?
Join Dr Gina Helfrich, from the Centre for Technomoral Futures, Alex Velinov, CTO at Tag Digital, and The Data Lab's Dr Alfred Tiley as we discuss - 'ChatGPT: Next Big Thing Or Passing Trend?'

Edinburgh Futures Conversations - The Future of Artificial Intelligence: Shaping our AI Futures
In this Futures Conversations event, we bring together leading experts from the worlds of science, politics, and civil society to debate what our AI futures may bring, and to develop ideas for what is needed to advance our collective ability to put AI to the best possible use.

Technomoral Conversations: Sustainability and Artificial Intelligence
Join us for a conversation on sustainability and AI, featuring a panel of experts who are tackling different facets of this challenge.