Data Ethics, AI and Responsible Innovation MOOC

Data Ethics, AI and Responsible Innovation – free short online course from the University of Edinburgh

Our future is here and it relies on data. Medical robots, smart homes and cities, predictive policing, artificial intelligences – all are fuelled by data and all promise new benefits to society. But will these innovations benefit everyone? Who stands to gain and who is put at risk? How can we ensure that data is part of a just and sustainable world?

This story-driven course is taught by leading experts in data science, AI, information law, science and technology studies, and responsible research and innovation. It is informed by case studies supplied by digital business frontrunners and tech companies.

We will engage with data-based contexts such as facial recognition, predictive policing, medical screening, smart homes and cities, banking, and AI, to explore their social implications and the tools required to minimise harm, promote fairness, and safeguard and increase human autonomy and well-being. We address cutting edge issues being grappled with by practitioners and new approaches emerging in industry and offer the opportunity for participants to develop and feed back solutions.

Completing this course will: 

- help you understand and articulate the critical challenges we are all facing around data

- inspire you to design, criticise, and develop better intelligent systems to shape our future. 

This intermediate course is aimed primarily at professionals working in a related field. General IT literacy and secondary school maths are advisable.


MSc in Data and AI Ethics 2025-26 Entry


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