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2023-2024 Year in Review
2023-2024 was a year of extraordinary activity for the Centre, with an array of events, seminars, and research that continues to shape the Centre’s mission to unify technical and moral knowledge that directly serves the goals of sustainable, just and ethical innovation.
Report on the Staff-Student Workshop on Generative AI and the University of Edinburgh
On 22 February 2024, EFI hosted a staff-student workshop on the implications of generative AI systems like ChatGPT for the university, organised by EFI and the University’s AI & Data Ethics Advisory Board. Read the report here!
New Perspectives on AI Futures
‘New Perspectives on AI Futures’ was a workshop series held in spring 2023, funded by the Alan Turing Institute and led by Dr Atoosa Kasirzadeh, Chancellor’s Fellow and Research Lead at the CTMF. Read the report here!
2022-2023 Year in Review
As the Centre’s third year comes to a close, we stand on the brink of an exciting new phase of maturity. Thanks to our remarkable early growth, in spite of the pandemic’s challenges, the Centre is about to meet all of its initial milestones.
Report on Centre for Technomoral Futures, 2020-2022
We are pleased to share this report on the activities and impact of the Centre for Technomoral Futures in its first two years. Under the leadership of our Director, Shannon Vallor, the Centre has achieved an incredible amount in just a short time, and this represents our first effort to share that work publicly in a summarized form.