Baillie Gifford Cohort Mentoring

As a part of the Baillie Gifford Programme, the Centre delivers weekly mentoring activities to the Baillie Gifford PhD students and postdoctoral community. The mentoring includes activities such as reading group sessions, work in progress presentations, and welcoming guest visitors with related research expertise and academic experiences.

Baillie Gifford PhD Cohort at the Edinburgh Futures Institute Building Tour in September 2021

The aim of our mentoring within the Centre is to help a methodologically diverse but cohesive community of emerging scholars to develop the shared vocabulary and the flexible, responsive, cross-disciplinary research tools needed to address the complex challenges and opportunities that data and Artificial Intelligence (AI) present for sustainable, just, and ethical futures.

Learn more:

Baillie Gifford PhD Doctoral Research Projects

Steven Scott

We are twofifths design agency. We design logos, create unforgettable brands, design & build beautiful websites, and bring stories to life through animated motion graphics films.

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